Taking Care Of Your Lenses
We all love our glasses and contact lenses for letting us enjoy the details of the world around us and perform our daily tasks.
We all love our glasses and contact lenses for letting us enjoy the details of the world around us and perform our daily tasks.
It wasn’t so long ago that the idea of a smart contact lens seemed like the stuff of science fiction, but it’s pretty close to becoming science fact.
Let’s face it: glasses and contact lenses are pretty amazing.
Do you remember in old cartoons when a character would see a delicious plate of food and his eyes would comically bulge out like footballs?
Nearly everyone over the age of 65 will experience a reduced elasticity of the lenses of their eyes — a condition called presbyopia.
Compared to all the different frame styles and lens shapes of glasses, it might seem like contact lenses are much simpler.
Human eyesight is an incredibly complex system, and a problem anywhere along the way can lead to seriously compromised vision.
One of the most essential things we can do to maintain our quality of life is protect our eyesight.
An estimated 60 percent of children with learning difficulties have undiagnosed vision problems, and 80 percent of learning is visual.
An autoimmune disease is a disorder that causes the immune system to mistake healthy cells for dangerous pathogens and attack them.